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WEEKLY DOWNLOAD: Zooming, Trending, Traveling

WEEKLY DOWNLOAD: Zooming, Trending, Traveling
Where digital meets travel + lifestyle …  A collection of can’t-miss news from this week. Sign up to get the TURNER Weekly Download in your inbox every Friday.

A Reason To Take The Long Way Home

MTA is pushing to get Wi-Fi on NYC's subways – and the organization has teamed up with Penguin Random House to release eBooks and articles timed to traveler’s commute. “Bringing Wi-Fi into underground stations helps riders stay connected throughout their commute, allowing them to check in with friends or family and access news or entertainment,” said Governor Andrew Cuomo. “We’ve made tremendous progress in modernizing the system and Subway Reads is a fun way to introduce riders to the new Wi-Fi experience.” Free Wi-Fi and eBooks? That might make us actually look forward to a train delay.

✌️ Trending Topics

Quickly skimming trending topics on Facebook is a thing of the past. This week,  Facebook removed the trending topic descriptions. Now, users will need to hover over the trend to see a news story or click to be taken to another page on Facebook. Facebook claims this change is  to increase scalability and personalization. The trending topics section is now meant to be less newsy and more about information that the users might like.


Instagram rolls out new features all the time, but this week was major. Users can now zoom in on posts. The zoom function works much like zooming on a photo on iOS. The zoom feature is currently only available on iOs and will be available for Android in the coming weeks. Now you can really take a closer look at what people are posting on Instagram. ?

A Little Wit Goes A Long Way

The Skyscanner app, which helps users find cheap airline tickets, receives a number of complaints each day from frustrated travelers. This week, one response to a flier went viral. The traveler asked: “Hi Skyscanner. Just wondering what you’d recommend I do during the 47 year layover your website has suggested?” Instead of ignoring the snark, Skyscanner responded in a witty way: “Unless you’re a huge fan of The Terminal, I’d probably recommend spending those years outside of the airport, so here are a few suggestions,” and listed a few adventurous options. Here's to turning a negative into a positive!

Weekly Moment of Zen

Clash of the Tech Titans! Microsoft vs. Apple.

Travel As Healing

Travel As Healing

A curated collection of can't-miss news from this week, including 2022 travel trends and more. Sign up to get the TURNER Weekly Download in your...

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Shaking Things Up

Shaking Things Up

A curated collection of can't-miss news from this week, including 2022 travel trends and more. Sign up to get the TURNER Weekly Download in your...

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Why We Wander

Why We Wander

Where digital meets travel + lifestyle … A collection of can’t-miss news from this week, including luxury travel trends. Sign up to get the TURNER...

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