2 min read



Is Twitter Psychic?

Twitter can now read your thoughts. Well, not actually … but it’s getting pretty close. The app can keep track of your behavior even if you aren’t tapping the screen or clicking a button. By using special algorithms that detect when you linger on a certain tweet or profile longer than others, Twitter will optimize to show similar tweets in your timeline. This tracking will be a key player in the mobile ads and brands that begin to appear on your Twitter timeline. Of course, it’s not necessarily a new idea. Facebook monitors the time you spend reading a post on your feed and then shares that information with marketers. The next time you are cyber-stalking someone on social, remember: these networks have the power to stalk you right back.

Mobile Shopping Made Easier

Welcome to the future of retail therapy, where shopping can be as easy as taking a screenshot on your phone. First launched in 2011, the app LIKEtoKNOW.it is a social shopping service that allows influencers and bloggers get paid for direct sales from their blogs. Now, it's even easier to shop blogger style - all you need to do is take a screenshot of an item that you saw online, and upload it to the LIKEtoKNOW.it app, where it will analyze it in order to see if an influencer has posted about it. Once found, the app will send you a notification, and you’re ready to shop!

Google’s Newest Addition

Working interactively in the workplace is essential in all fields — and Google is here to help. Google has offered digital whiteboards for some time now, but they have been quite pricey. Now, the company has introduced an interactive whiteboard for under $6K — say hello to Jamboard.  Jamboard has been operating smoothly in early tests, and can be built around your company’s suite of office apps. Even better, Jamboard uses Google Cast, which can be synced with mobile devices and remote users. Collaborative working at its finest!

️️Peace Out, ChatBots

Brands began using chatbots as a way to respond to customer service inquiries via Facebook Messenger late last year, and the results are in – but they aren’t positive.  Facebook has announced that its bots hit a failure rate of 70 percent, meaning that these bots were only getting 30 percent of requests completed without humans. Yikes. Retailers are jumping ship, including Everlane, the first Facebook Messenger partner, who announced last week that they will be removing this feature and going back to email. Guess we will have to wait and see who’s next to innovate the inbox.

Weekly Moment of Zen

Here are some of the funniest parenting tweets yet.

Universal Truths & Content Fails

Universal Truths & Content Fails

Where digital meets travel + lifestyle … A collection of can’t-miss news from this week, including content marketing trends. Sign up to get the...

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WEEKLY DOWNLOAD: Under the Influence

WEEKLY DOWNLOAD: Under the Influence

Where digital meets travel + lifestyle … A collection of can’t-miss news from this week. Sign up to get the TURNER Weekly Download in your inbox...

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TURNER Weekly Download 8.1.14

1 min read

TURNER Weekly Download 8.1.14

Brands Must Pay To Play On Facebook The days of “social by design” are long gone as Facebook continues its shift from a social sharing network to a...

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