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Turner Travels: Holiday Travel Tips

Turner Travels: Holiday Travel Tips

Since moving to Denver earlier this year, this will be my first time travelling back home for the holidays. And, with travel this Thanksgiving expected to be the highest since 2007, it’s clear that that I’m not going to be the only one (just one of 46.3 million, in fact). So, I turned to the experts here at Turner PR (many of who seem to have months when they spend more time on a plane than at their desks) for tips on how to make the best of holiday travel:

Early is Key

  • “Take the earliest available flight to avoid delays and airplane back up later in the day. Just remember the coffee.” - Logan Hayes, Sr. Account Executive
  • “If you’re flying, check in online to avoid the lines at the airport. Bonus: With most airlines you can scan your boarding pass via your phone, so you can also skip the printing!” - Ashley Cox, Account Coordinator
Pack Smart
  • “Dress the part, less is more. Minimize the sparkly holiday accessories and opt for a pair of slip-on flats. No one wants to be ‘that girl’ everyone has to wait on in the TSA line.” - Emily Walsh, Account Coordinator, Digital
  • “I like to roll up things like ties, belts and socks and place them in my shoes – helps prevent wrinkles/creases and saves valuable room in the suitcase (or backpack).” - Whitt Kelly, Account Coordinator
  • “Avoid getting hungry by bringing snacks for the trip. Airports don’t always have the best food selection…and neither do planes. I always have two or three different flavors of Lärabars in my bag. My favorite is the uber Roasted Nut Roll.” – Brit Tucker, Sr. Account Supervisor, Digital
Stay Calm + Be Kind
  • “Don’t forget to smile. It is the holiday for airport employees too. Kindness goes a long way, and on occasion, it can help get you all the way to the front of the bird….” - Logan Hayes, Sr. Account Executive
  • “Remember The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated. Everyone you see is trying to get somewhere, just like you. Have patience and be nice – a smile and a friendly gesture (giving up your seat so a family can sit together; letting someone go ahead of you in security; having compassion for the mom with a screaming newborn, a stroller and endless bags) will come back to you. And, don’t forget, an airline employee can make or break your entire trip with the push of a button, so be extra nice to them. They’re working while you’re headed on vacation…!” - Ashley Taufen, Sr. Account Executive
  • “Download the Relax Melodies or Headspace apps for a little decompressing. Relax Melodies is perfect for calming you down when you’re trying to wade your way through then airport crowds. Headspace is the ideal intro to meditation app perfect for once you’ve made it to your seat on the plane. Now, just inhale and exhale.” - Brit Tucker, Sr. Account Supervisor, Digital

In my preparations (and to avoid packing, because that’s just the worst), I also came across this handy “Survival Guide” by Amy Farley on the T+L Carry On Blog. In addition to a number of the tips featured above, she shares useful travel apps and insightful solutions to troubleshoot travel mishaps (probably something smart to keep bookmarked for while). Safe travels! - April (@april_ingle)  

Photo courtesy of Flickr.com user Ishrona

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