Turner | Spin Kitchen

TURNER Open Letter: Net Neutrality

Written by TURNER Admin | December 14, 2017
Dear FCC Voters: As a progressive digital agency that leverages the Internet on behalf of a wide variety of brands to reach and educate their audiences, TURNER urges you to vote NO to abrogating Net Neutrality. As members of the creative class, this motion would radically alter the level playing field online, because ISPs would not be required to treat all content equally and could give preference to some digital content providers. It would also halt innovative ideas and make it harder for consumers to make informed decisions. When Title II was adopted in 2015, it was to ensure the American people had ample room to share their creative talents, educate one another on unfamiliar topics and establish an interactive virtual audience. Without Net Neutrality, these entities would cease to exist, interfering with the communities TURNER has worked so hard to build. An open Internet has provided us, the people, with things like:
  • Thriving businesses
  • A space for support groups
  • A living for underprivileged for people
  • A space to practice the 1st amendment
  • A bridged gap between communities that wouldn’t otherwise exist
  • A new meaning of competition amongst brands
  • And the list goes on…
You see, to abolish something so fundamentally necessary as Net Neutrality is to defy the core values of our great nation. We hope you understand the elements listed in this letter as not only reasons to keep Net Neutrality alive, but to also sustain, maintain and encourage it. Thank you for your time and we hope TURNER has helped you to think deeply about the creative and consumer classes before making your decision today. All co-signers of this letter are urged to complete the form linked below: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/do-not-repeal-net-neutrality Sincerely, TURNER