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Need-to-Know News from Facebook, Twitter, Google & More: TPR Weekly Download 4.24.15

Written by TURNER Admin | April 24, 2015

Facebook Updates Algorithm to Emphasize Friends’ Posts

Facebook’s most recent algorithm update favors posts shared by users' friends rather than by the brands and publishers they follow. These changes could have a dramatic impact on organic reach, forcing companies to pay to play in more ways than one. Contently gives an idea of what the changes could means for brands, publishers and the future of media.

Mobilegeddon: Google’s Big SEO Change

Google launched a new algorithm to favor sites that are "mobile friendly." Sites that haven't updated could see a huge drop in their rankings, which could mean a huge loss of business. Google has a site where publishers can check their web addresses to see if they match the new mobile standards.

Amazon Now Lets You Book Hotels

Amazon expanded its travel-booking platform to offer hundreds of hotels, most ideal for a weekend escape from major cities, through its new Amazon Local platform.

Twitter’s New DM Feature

Twitter began opening up direct messaging earlier this week to allow users to send each other private tweets even if they don’t follow each other. In the past, users were required to follow an account before they could be reached via DM and although it sometimes hindered brands from connecting with customers, it also helped prevent spam. In order to avoid consumer backlash in response to unwanted outreach, companies should tread lightly with the new policy tweak and use the feature to support customer service rather than promote brand messages.

Airbnb Tests Instagram Carousel Ads

Carousel ads allow brands to post multiple photos in a sponsored post and include a ‘learn more’ button that links users to the brand’s website. Airbnb is one of the first brands to use the new ad format in support of its ‘Never a Stranger’ campaign which emphasizes how the service will make travelers feel like a local no matter where they are.