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Spring Breaking

Spring Breaking
Where digital meets travel + lifestyle … A collection of can’t-miss news from this week. Sign up to get the TURNER Weekly Download in your inbox every Friday.

The Healthy Traveler

Even the most seasoned road warrior can elevate his or her travel game. Forbes’ Leila Gowland has some handy tips to improve the business travel life. First and foremost, pack your creature comforts – lotions, essential oils, even a small speaker to listen to your own tunes. Eating well is also essential: stay away from junk food and bargain basement hotel offerings. But don’t be afraid to snack – fueling throughout the day can stave off sickness and low energy. Staying connected with your loved ones is a must as well. It doesn’t even have to be with your kids; you can schedule virtual dinner dates via Skype (or a similar service) with friends. Your hotel room will feel much more cozy.

Air Hacks

Of course, a big part of any road warrior’s life is air travel – everyone’s favorite part of a trip! “If you’re not careful, it’ll zap your energy, disrupt your sleep patterns, and make your digestive system sluggish,” writes Fast Company’s Dani Gordon. “Fortunately, with a few simple travel hacks you can make air travel less stressful on your system, curb the effects of jet lag, and keep your energy levels up.” Slow-release melatonin can help you sleep while on long flights. Ditch coffee for antioxidant rich green tea. Get your heart rate up when you land – get rid of that flight-induced sluggishness!

Spring Breaking

No matter what you do to prep for a smooth flight, spring break might cause a few bumps. Don’t worry: someone figured out the very best and the very worst days to travel this spring. RewardExpert analyzed five years of on-time performance statistics from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the months of March, April, and May. The results are complicated, but we can say this: avoid traveling on March 1, 12 and 13 – those dates are historically the worst days for travel during the season, and they’re expected to be even worse in 2018. So don’t bother to beware the Ides of March, no matter what Shakespeare says.

Team Adventure

Maybe you’re in the mood for a little spring break getaway yourself? Don’t expect it to be all rest and relaxation, says Coastal Living. “Spring Break travelers seem to be trading in ‘fly-and-flop’ vacations for experiences that offer a little more adventure (say, sightseeing in the French Riviera, surfing along the Costa Rica coastline, or getting centered at a yoga retreat in Bali),” writes Marisa Spyker. We’re fully on board with more active travel – but we do still want to lounge poolside a bit!

Weekly Moment of Zen

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koCQ-O0L6Rw Need to catch up before this week’s Academy Awards ceremony? Here’s a two-minute supercut of all the major nominees.
#Trending For Spring

#Trending For Spring

Where digital meets travel + lifestyle … A collection of can’t-miss news from this week, including spring travel trends. Sign up to get the TURNER...

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TURNER Travel Guide: Spring Break 2017

TURNER Travel Guide: Spring Break 2017

Dreaming of a Spring Break filled with sandy beaches and sparkling blue waters? Or how about a trip filled with awe-inspiring mountain views? Or...

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The State of Instagram

2 min read

The State of Instagram

Where digital meets travel + lifestyle … A collection of can’t-miss news from this week, including spring travel trends. Sign up to get the TURNER...

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