Turner | Spin Kitchen

Simply Give Spotlight: Billion Oyster Project Volunteer Day

Written by Emma DeVadder | August 13, 2015

In addition to sharing our passion for travel and lifestyle brands through our PR strategy and digital communications efforts, Turner Public Relations donates time and resources to causes close to our hearts at home and around the globe.

Turner’s NYC office and the sustainable architecture firm NBJJ recently hooked up with the New York Harbor Foundation for a volunteer day. Our task? To help restore the NY Harbor’s oyster population. A few years ago, the NY Harbor Foundation along with the New York Harbor School on Governors Island began the Billion Oyster Project, which is aimed at restoring a billion oysters to the NY Harbor by 2030.

Not only is this effort immensely beneficial to the surrounding waterways, it is also engaging thousands of middle and high school students by introducing them to marine biology and the importance of natural ecosystems.

From drilling holes in shells, to leveling out shell banks, and cleaning and replenishing oyster reefs in the water, we were given an education on the oyster population in the NY Harbor, as well as plenty of hands-on work. In keeping with our ethos to balance work and play, the day was capped off with an Oyster Happy Hour including oysters and beer. A perfect Summer Friday all round! Learn more about  New York Harbor FoundationBillion Oyster Project and New York Harbor School. Special thanks to sustainable architecture firm NBBJ for partnering with us for the event!