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Simply Give: How to Help Victims of Nepal’s Earthquakes

Written by TURNER Admin | May 12, 2015
Like the rest of the world, Turner PR’s heart goes out to the people of Nepal. On April 25, a major earthquake struck the country, resulting in untold damage and killing thousands. To make matters worse, a second earthquake occurred on May 12. We’d like to help in any way we can – and in addition to our dollars, we’re spreading the word about how to get the Nepalese people the aid they desperately need. Here are just a handful of worthy organizations and initiatives.

Nepal Photo Relief Project

Denver photographer and Public Works co-founder Mike Arzt recently launched the Nepal Photo Relief Project to support disaster relief in Nepal. Browse and purchase amazing images (prices range from $3 to $250 to fit all budgets) from his online gallery by visiting www.thepublicworks.photoshelter.com. All proceeds benefit Nepal relief through the DZI Foundation. All donations are being matched until they hit $100,000.  Learn more


AmeriCares is supporting international medical teams in Nepal helping earthquake survivors, including a special surgical group from India performing more complex surgeries on badly injured survivors. Learn more

American Nepal Medical Foundation

100 percent of the donations received by America Nepal Medical Foundation goes to the intended hospitals and victims. All members are volunteers, with zero pay and no overhead cost to ANMF. Learn more

Global Giving

All donations to this fund will support earthquake recovery and relief efforts in Nepal. Initially, the fund will help first responders meet survivors' immediate needs for food, fuel, clean water, hygiene products, and shelter. Learn more

Save the Children

With nearly four decades of work in Nepal behind them, Save the Children’s staff is on the ground helping to “protect vulnerable children and provide desperately needed relief to families.” Learn more


Oxfam aid workers and partners are providing clean water, latrines, food, and emergency shelter to people who can’t return to their damaged homes. The organization urgently needs your help to rush aid to survivors in the wake of this disaster. Learn more