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Mobile Travel: Turner PR's Favorite Travel Apps

Mobile Travel: Turner PR's Favorite Travel Apps

Flash back to January 2014. Chances are you'll find a handful of lists featuring the “Top 10 Travel Apps." So, rather than reinvent the wheel, I turned to the Travel and Digital teams for a little insider information. After all, these are the two groups at Turner that would most certainly have an opinion on mobile applications of the travel type.

But the most surprising fact? About half of our team is a huge fan of the non-travel app. While TripIt, FlightTracker, and airline / hotel-branded apps are always helpful, it's the non-travel apps that add to the full experience. Whether it's the perfect playlist on Spotify, tracking down the nearest restroom with Flushd, or snapping photos with your phone's camera, nearly any app has the potential to make your next trip an awesome one.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of FlightTrack. This app (while not free) is my right-hand man, err, technology, when flying. I can find out the gate for my upcoming flight or keep track of flight delays. This trusty little app even tells if your flight changed long before the airlines will. Plus, it's handy to use when I'm waiting for a friend's flight to arrive.

But, the app that ties FlightTrack for number one? My camera (see: Instagram). Not only do I use my camera for capturing the scenery and culture, but it's great for taking notes while I'm in a specific location – whether it's remembering addresses or tracking cool finds. Like that time you find a great wine in Italy – just take a photo of the label and ask your local wine shop back home if they can get it in stock

“I use TripIt religiously; it has a lot of great features, but the one I love the most: it alerts me to flight changes/delays immediately, usually hours before the airline gets around to it. It gives me time to alter my plans before the rest of the displaced fliers even know there’s a problem.


“It’s not really a TRAVEL app, but I always use Google Drive/Docs when I’m traveling with friends and groups. We share documents and put in our ideas, places we must see, notes, etc. and then when we are finally in our destination, it’s quick and easy to pull all the information and have it in one place.”


"I use TripIt…it's the only one I use constantly. But Gate Guru can be helpful too.”

Michelle M.

“Likely not a HUGE surprise to anyone who knows me, but the Starbucks app. Spotify and Pandora, too.”


“I don’t use many travel apps. But when I do, I use CDOT Mobile. It alerts me on the treacherous I-70 road conditions, and gives updates and estimated travel times for all mountain destinations outside Denver.”


Keeping our ducks in a row while we're traveling is very important for us, but that little piece of technology we keep in our pockets can be so much more – translations, peer-reviews, playlists, coffee shops, note-taking, camera, document-sharing. The point is, think outside the box and let your phone be so much more your calendar and clock. Do you have a favorite "travel" app?

- Brit (@fruitsnutsflake)

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