Turner | Spin Kitchen

How to Score a Killer PR Internship, Shark Week Style

Written by Stephanie Panico | August 15, 2012
As the Discovery Channel’s Shark Week comes to another epic close and Turner PR gears up to find our Fall interns, there are a few essential lessons that can be taken away from the terrors of the sea by those hunting for an internship.
  1. Stalk your prey. Every good hunter knows its prey and how to catch it from every angle. For those looking for a PR internship, the rules are no different than a shark stalking its prey. Do your research by reading up on the company where you want to apply, being knowledgeable about the company’s present and past clients, researching the company’s specific industry (i.e. travel, fashion, lifestyle), and understanding the culture of the company.
  2. Be hungry. If you don’t want the job that badly, or you’re not hungry for it, someone else is going to snag it. My dad has always preached the 10/80/10 rule to me, and it has always held true. There is the low 10 percent of applicants, the type who spell “Turner” wrong on their cover letter, who get dropped without a second thought. Then there is the mid-range 80 percent of applicants who are applying just because they can, but they are unimpressive and eventually weeded out. Then there is the top-10 percent of applicants, who are hungry for the position, which shows in their go-getting attitude, and they are the ones who get hired.
  3. Go in for the kill. Make no mistake about it, when a great white sees its prey in sight, it isn’t backing down to let another shark take dinner from them. PR internship-seekers should maintain that same mentality if they want to be competitive with the other applicants. Make the first move and introduce yourself, then apply and follow up in a timely manner. No hesitation.
  4. Look good for the camera. Sure, the sharks on Shark Week are scary and intimidating, but they look impressive on TV. Keep this in mind for applications and interviews. Look professional, polished and make a killer first impression. Check, and triple check, cover letters and resumes for errors.
That all being said, if you think you’re a hungry PR shark interesting in the travel industry , apply for our Fall internship program. Happy Hunting, Stephanie Panico @stephpanico