Turner | Spin Kitchen

TURNER Weekly Download: Faster Food

Written by Tyler Wilcox | December 22, 2017
Where digital meets travel + lifestyle … A collection of can’t-miss news from this week. Sign up to get the TURNER Weekly Download in your inbox every Friday.

Wendy’s Social Success

Fast food might not be the best thing for your diet — but social media marketers can learn a lot from the online practices of some favorite burger joints. Case in point: Wendy’s, who have gone viral multiple times recently with sassy and irreverent tweets. The team behind twitter.com/wendys revealed some of their secrets during a recent reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything). While it might not be quite as spontaneous as it appears (they admit to having to get approval from higher-ups for the more controversial material), Wendy’s winning Twitter voice evolved organically. ““Success happened before anyone had a chance to be scared," they wrote. "And then we just kept going through mistakes.”


Wendy’s isn’t the only fast food juggernaut leading the way on social platforms. McDonald’s has spent much of 2017 building its global digital identity and Dana Strokovsky, the woman behind this strategy, spoke with Digiday recently. One key takeaway? Breaking down silos within the organization. “Marketing, digital and corporate communication teams all have their own specific initiatives, but there’s a need for these teams to be on the same page of course,” Strokovsky said. “We provide thought leadership and strategy across the globe, best practices, social navigation, and consultation for markets per request. Ensuring brand harmony is important.”

Hooray for Chick-fil-A

Online is fine, but sometimes real world action can pay off. Last weekend, Chick-fil-A broke a long-standing “never open on Sundays” rule in order to feed travelers stranded in Atlanta after the city’s airport suffered a delay-inducing blackout. It’s a win-win for everyone – travelers get chicken sandwiches and Chick-fil-A gets some goodwill mileage during the holiday season. As one Twitter user wrote: “All you have to do to get Chick-fil-A on a Sunday is cut the power to the world's busiest airport.”

Ads 2017: The Good, the Bad & the WTF

It’s tougher than ever for advertisers to capture consumers’ attention. But they’re still trying to turn out ads that are inspiring, creative and innovative. Sometimes they succeed … and sometimes they fail – spectacularly. Mark Duffy, the Copyranter over at Digiday, has watched them all and gathered them together for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure, as the case may be). “There were a few flecks of “glitter amongst the chicken feed”* this past year in advertising,” he writes. “I’ve dug out the brightest flecks and washed the chicken poop off of them (and my hands) for this presentation.”

Weekly Moment of Zen

Who needs a fireplace? Here’s three hours of a cozy fireplace to enjoy this holiday season. See you next year!