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The Conscious Comeback — TURNER Weekly Download

Written by Tyler Wilcox | April 23, 2021

A curated collection of can’t-miss news from this week, including 2021 eco-travel trends, sustainability news and more. Sign up to get the TURNER Weekly Download in your inbox.

Pandemic Green

With travel resuming this year, many are looking to reset and re-imagine how to make traveling more eco-friendly. This week, Travel Weekly highlights how the Covid crisis helped sharpen the industry’s focus on sustainability. The TW staff writes: “[From] food waste to carbon reduction, [Covid has] served — both by design and chance — to speed up progress on sustainability-related issues across the entire global tourism ecosystem.”

The Conscious Comeback

The travel industry is getting greener — and so are travelers. A recent Virtuoso study revealed that travelers are becoming more and more aware of their impact on the destinations they visit. Virtuoso’s vice-chair and sustainability strategist Jessica Hall Upchurch is calling it “the conscious comeback,” with 82 percent of respondents saying that the pandemic made them want to travel more responsibly in future years.

Scandinavian Sustainability

For destinations that are searching for ways to increase their earth-friendly practices, look to Scandinavia. According to a recent Euromonitor Sustainable Travel Index, that part of the world is leading the way when it comes to sustainability, with Sweden and Finland nabbing the top two spots. The rankings were based on environmental sustainability, social sustainability, economic sustainability, risk, sustainable tourism demand, sustainable transport, and sustainable lodging.

Eco-Friendly Travel Tips

Destinations are stepping up. And travelers can do the same. Nature World News has four easy tips for ways to go green on your future vacations. “There are plenty of easy ways to lessen the environmental footprint without completely overhauling your journey,” writes Rain Jordan. Take a look — and join the green travel revolution.

Weekly Moment of Zen

#ConnectedByEarth. Celebrate Earth Day with NASA this year.