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Armchair Wanderlust: Great New Travel Books for 2019

Written by Tyler Wilcox | January 16, 2019

Some of us would like to travel the world full time. But responsibilities can get in the way. Fortunately, there’s always a new crop of travel-centric books to dig into. The best of these books will take you from the cozy confines of your home to some amazing far-flung locales. Here are a few that have sparked our armchair wanderlust in recent months.

Figures in a Landscape: People and Places – Paul Theroux

For more than 50 years, writer Paul Theroux has been visiting some of the world’s most interesting (and occasionally dangerous) destinations. His latest collection of essays brings these places to life in always fascinating fashion, from Zimbabwe to Hawaii and beyond. Buy

Speakeasy: Secret Bars Around the World – Maurizio Maestrelli

Who doesn’t love a good speakeasy? Maurizio Maestrelli has done the hard work of finding these hidden bars sprinkled all over the globe – you just have to visit them! Secret passwords may or may not be included … Buy

Lands of Lost Borders: A Journey on the Silk Road – Kate Harris

Kate Harris’ unforgettable cycling adventure on the Silk Road is a must-read. The book is filled with insight not only about the sights she sees, but also the nature of travel itself. A transporting read. Buy

Go Find: My Journey to Find the Lost—and Myself – Susan Purvis

An inspiring memoir that travels from the jungles of Latin America to the ski towns of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. Go Find is a story of self-discover and healing through travel. And adorable Labrador puppies, too! Buy

Best in Travel 2019: The Best Trends, Destinations, Journeys & Experiences for the Year Ahead – Lonely Planet

The self-confessed travel geeks at Lonely Planet round up the very best in destinations, travel trends, budget-friendly tips and much more. It’s seriously definitive if you want to travel, but can’t quite figure out exactly where you want to go. Buy