Turner | Spin Kitchen

10 Travel Blogs That Make Us Want To Start Packing NOW

Written by Tyler Wilcox | January 19, 2016

When we need vacation inspiration, we click over to these favorite travel blogs, which provide personal, authentic and entertaining info on a vast array of destinations and travel topics. With thousands of similarly styled sites out there, we’ve narrowed it down to just a few faves, each with great writing, visuals and consistently creative approaches. Warning: you will come down with a severe case of wanderlust after perusing the following blogs …  

Jodi Ettenberg has a law degree and a seemingly bottomless stomach, creating a unique lens for Legal Nomads, her well-established travel blog. Her passion and intellect never fail to engage, with a perspective that is both thoughtful and, well, fun. She pairs her storytelling with some serious photography chops, and isn’t shy about talking candidly about the less glam sides of full-time travel. Follow her on Instagram, and also sign up for her monthly newsletter. – Angela Berardino


Who hasn’t had issues packing the perfect outfit for travel near and abroad? Kiss that packing panic goodbye, thanks to Jessica Stein. Not only does her blog Tuula Vintage share inspirational images and insider tips on the best local locales, but she also shares her impeccable sense of style. She mixes high fashion with affordable pieces that will provide inspiration to help you fashionably fit in, no matter where your destination is. Stein also makes a point to find the road less traveled - her photo diaries give you an intimate glimpse into some of the most beautiful hideaways of the world. And even if you aren’t planning on traveling anytime soon, her Instagram is a must-follow for a chic wanderlust fix. – Megan Brown

Former Bachelor-contestant-turned-travel blogger Lesley Murphy offers some serious hump-day inspiration with her blog,  The Road Les Traveled. She basically lives my dream life: embarking on adventure travel by day; retreating to authentic & luxurious accommodations by evening (with a sunset cocktail thrown in there somewhere, too). Lesley chronicles her dream-worthy experiences all over the world, provides travel tips (think: what to wear sightseeing), and even invites readers along as she continues to cross experiences off her own  bucket list. What really draws me to this blog is her perfect description of luxury travel: “It's an appreciation for the finer things in life, no matter if those things are 5 stars or high mountains.” Preach, Lesley. – Caitlin Martz  

You know that a travel blog is doing a great job when it makes your own backyard seem exciting and exotic. Batya Stepelman’s Sparrows & Spatulas does just that, highlighting the coolest (and most visually striking) aspects of Denver and the surrounding Rocky Mountains. It’s a treaure trove of inspiration, whether she’s hiking through an explosion of wildflowers with her kids or exploring the cultural delights of Denver’s RiNo district. Follow her on Instagram for even more Mile High eye candy. – Tyler Wilcox  

A picture says a million words, right? Well, every image that  Alex in Wanderland posts on her blog screams to me, “Stop what you’re doing and jump on the nearest plane.” With a collection of amazing tips and products to purchase, it’s hard to not get cabin fever here in NYC. Alex gives you a thorough insight of how the destination actually is with no holding back.  She also shares a lot about her personal experience as a travel blogger, which I love. – Nicolette Cusmano

When I travel, I love to learn about the culture and why places “are the way they are,” and really have an in-depth experience. Epicure & Culture does the trick without me ever having the leave my desk, and makes my travel bucket list grow exponentially each year. The site does an amazing job at combining three of my favorite things: immersive culinary experiences (food), cultural encounters (learning) and responsible tourism (giving back). – Meg Warner  

I have to be careful not to visit Adventure Journal too much or I’ll catch myself in a vivid daydream. It’s a simple, yet beautiful site covering the outdoor adventure world without coming across as too gaudy (a la RedBull). The site dives into interesting profiles, think pieces, essays, tips and gear reviews – enough to provoke an epic sense of wanderlust right in your chair.  – Whitt Kelly  

 Not strictly a travel blog but I’m somewhat obsessed with Joanna Goddard’s daily lifestyle blog  A Cup of Jo and the travel bits are a definite highlight. Whether covering destinations near to both of our homes in Brooklyn, or places further afield such as Europe (check out the recent rush hour in Copenhagen video; think bikes and more bikes), Joanna’s inspirational voice is as authentic in her travel tales as when she’s covering relationships, culture and parenthood, other popular topics on the site. Amidst the tempting location spreads are an abundance of truly practical travel tips and I love that she’s not afraid to admit her own personal challenges (ok, so I’m a sucker for anyone able to empathize with entertaining a toddler on a plane). She also keeps it real on  Instagram. – Emma deVadder  

For the “been there, done that” traveler, there’s Atlas Obscura – a wondrous world of oddities and secret finds exploited in one awe-inspiring (and addicting) blog. If a travel blog could be a spirit animal, this would definitely be mine. There’s adventure behind every click, sparks of curiosity that fuel my bucket list and endless amounts of distractions every time their newsletter lands in my inbox; basically this is a quirky person’s bible for exploration. Long live the obscure!  – Amber Steffens 

What better to do in a new city than eat and read? Los Angeles-based writer Nicole Gulotta partners with local writers and bloggers from across the globe to act as tour guides on her literary food blog, Eat This Poem. From Denver, Colorado to Rabat, Morocco, tour guides share the best bookstores, coffee shops, reading nooks and restaurants in their city to inspire the traveling bookworms who love to eat. Not only is this blog great for finding new destinations to visit, but it also helps me find new restaurants and bookstores I may have overlooked in my own city. – Ashley Cox